Thursday, August 16, 2018

Cheese Making Process - Do you know how to make cheese?

Cheese Making Process

Cheese Making Process - Cheese is a food produced by separating solid substances in milk through a thickening or coagulation process. This thickening process is carried out with the help of certain bacteria or enzymes called rennet. The results of the process will be dried, processed, and preserved in various ways. From a variety of milk can be produced a variety of cheese products. Cheese products vary according to the type of milk, thickening method, temperature, method of cutting, drying, heating, as well as the ripening process of cheese and preservation. Generally, animals that are used as a source of milk are cows. Camel, goat, sheep, horse, or buffalo milk is used in some types of local cheese.

Cheese Making Process - This food is known throughout the world, but is thought to be first known in the area around the Middle East. Although it cannot be ascertained when the cheese was first discovered, according to legend the cheese was first discovered accidentally by an Arabian traveler.

Cheese has almost all the nutrients in milk, such as protein, vitamins, minerals, calcium, and phosphorus but also fat and cholesterol that can cause health problems if consumed in excess. The amount of fat in cheese depends on the type of milk used. Cheese made with pure milk or added with cream has a high fat, cholesterol and calorie content. Cheese is very beneficial because it is rich in protein, especially for young children because they need more protein than adults.

Cheese Making Process

Cheese Making Process

Cheese making is a process carried out to process milk into various types of cheese. Making cheese is basically the same even though there are hundreds of types of cheese produced throughout the world. Cheese has a different style and taste, depending on the type of milk used, the type of bacteria or fungus used in fermentation, the length of the fermentation process and storage ("ripening"). Other factors such as the type of food consumed by mammals that produce milk and the process of heating milk. There are five main stages in making cheese.

  • Acidification

The milk is heated so that lactic acid bacteria, namely Streptococcus and Lactobacillus can grow well. These bacteria eat lactose in milk and turn it into lactic acid. When acidity increases, solids in milk (casein protein, fat, some vitamins and minerals) clump and form curds.

  • Coagulation

Rennet bacteria are added to heated milk which then makes the protein clump and divides milk into liquid parts (whey) and solid (curd). After being separated, whey is sometimes used to make cheese like Ricotta and Cypriot hallumi but usually the whey is discarded. With the help of a tool shaped like a harp, cheese curd is crushed into granules. The finer the curd, the more whey is dried and will produce harder cheese.

Cheese Making Process

Cheese Making Process - Rennet converts sugar in milk to acid and protein that is available to curd. The amount of bacteria entered and the temperature is very important for the level of cheese density. This process takes between 10 minutes to 2 hours, depending on the amount of milk and also the temperature of the milk.

Most of the cheese uses rennet in the manufacturing process. But in the past when cheese was still made traditionally, the fig leaves and twigs were used as a substitute for rennet.

  • Processing of curd

After giving rennet, the next process is different. Some soft cheeses are moved carefully into the mold. In contrast to other cheeses, curds are sliced ​​and chopped using hands or with the help of a machine to remove more whey. The smaller the curd, the more dense the cheese produced.

Preparation before maturation

Cheese Making Process

  • Printing

When the curd reaches optimal size, it must be separated and printed. For small cheeses, the curd is separated with a spoon and poured into a mold. For larger cheeses, the lift from the tank uses the help of a cloth. Before pouring into the mold, the curd is dried first and then can be pressed and then formed or sliced.

  • Precision

Cheese must be pressed in accordance with the desired level of violence. For soft cheese, emphasis is usually not made because the weight of the cheese is heavy enough to release whey. Likewise with sliced ​​cheese, the weight of the cheese determines the desired density level. Even so, most of the cheese goes through the emphasis process. The time and intensity of emphasis vary for each cheese.

  • Pinning

After the cheese is formed, salt is added so that the cheese does not taste fresh. Cheese can be marinated in four different ways. For some cheese, salt is added directly to the curd. The second way is to rub or sprinkle salt on the cheese skin. This causes the cheese skin to form and protects the inside of the cheese so that it doesn't ripen too quickly. Some large cheeses are marinated in a way that is soaked in salt water. Cheese soaking can take hours to days. The last method is to wash the surface of the cheese with salt solution. In addition to providing flavor, salt also helps remove excess water, hardens the surface, protects the cheese from drying out and preserves and purifies cheese when entering the maturation process.

  • Maturation

Maturation (ripening) is the process that converts fresh curds into flavored cheese. Maturation is caused by certain bacteria or fungi that are used in the production process. The final character of the cheese is determined by the type of ripening. During the ripening process, the cheese is kept at a certain temperature and humidity level until the cheese is ready to eat. This ripening time varies from a few weeks for soft cheese to several days for hard cheeses such as Parmigiano-Reggiano.

Special technique

Cheese Making Process

Cheese Making Process - Several techniques can be carried out before the ripening process to affect the texture and final flavor of the cheese:

  • Stretching

Curds are carried and then dyed in hot water to produce a fibrous texture. Examples of cheese that go through this process are Mozzarella and Provolone cheese.

  • Cheddaring

The curd that has been cut is then stacked to remove moisture. The curd is then ground for a long time. Examples of cheeses that undergo this process are Cheddar cheese and other English Cheese.

  • Washing

The curd is washed in warm water to reduce its acidity and make it a cheese that tastes soft. Examples of cheese through the washing process are Edam, Gouda, and Colby cheese.

  • Burning

For some hard cheeses, the curd is heated to a temperature of 35 ° C (95 ° F) -56 ° C (133 ° F) which then causes the curd grains to lose water and make the cheese harder to texture. This process is often referred to as burning. Examples of reheated cheeses are Emmental, Appenzell and Gruyère.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Soap Making Process - Soap Making Cold Process

Soap Making Cold Process

Soap Making Cold Process - The process of making transparent soap has been widely mentioned in research journals, both domestic and foreign journals. IPB (University in Indonesia) students and their supervisors tried various formulations of transparent soap preparations to get the best products based on certain criteria. Some of them make transparent soap which uses patchouli oil as an acne remedy and galangal extract as an anti-fungal active ingredient. In this article we provide a collection of transparent soap recipes that you can try yourself at home.

  +    Proses Pembuatan Sabun Transparan

Soap Making Cold Process - Recipes and transparent soap formulas that produce high quality transparent soap products are sought after by soap manufacturers. To get a good transparent soap formulation is not easy. Research, trial, and trial error are needed many times to get the effective recipe for transparent bath soap. But the results of hard work will not be in vain, because the price of quality products will be accepted by the public.

One popular transparent soap recipe is patchouli oil transparent soap formulation as an acne remedy. Patchouli oil contains active patchouli compounds which are believed to reduce the formation of acne on the skin. You can read research journals related to the preparation of transparent soap with patchouli oil here. But not everyone likes the scent of patchy patchouli oil. For that reason, the combination of transparent soap formula as aroma therapy continues to be developed by transparent soap producers.

Soap Making Cold Process

  +    Transparent Soap Shape and Color

Soap Making Cold Process - The shape and color of solid transparent soap is currently diverse. The main reason for this is to rejuvenate the market so that it is not saturated. You can find transparent soap in the form of rods, rounds, ovals. Transparent soap colors are also varied like green, orange, red, and other metallic transparent soap colors. See the following examples of transparent soap images.

  +    Transparent Face Soap or Tranparan Bath Soap

Transparent soap is generally used for face or face, but does not rule out the possibility of being used as bath soap. The content of alcohol in transparent soap formulas makes the soap more effective for removing acne and is used as facial whitening. But for some people, especially those with sensitive and hypersensitive skin, transparent soap can be dangerous for them because alcohol can be irritant or cause skin irritation. As an alternative, people with sensitive skin can still use transparent soap which is a type of transparent soap without alcohol or non-alcoholic transparent soap which is likely not cheap. Next we explain the ingredients and recipes / formula for making transparent soap.

Soap Making Cold Process

  +    Transparent Soap Making Materials

The standard transparent soap making material is coconut oil and hydroxide solution (NaOH). In addition, it can also be formulated with herbal active substances such as lemongrass, patchouli, virgin coconut oil (Virgin coconut oil, VCO), honey, galangal, green tea, aloe vera, papaya or papaya, seaweed and other natural ingredients so that it becomes herbal soap. The use of transparent soap has now expanded and has come out of its basic function as a body cleanser. You can use transparent soap as a souvenir or gift for your friends. The following is an explanation of the ingredients in soap making and its function.

  • Oil and Fat

Oil is a triglyceride that is generally obtained from plants, whereas fat is a triglyceride extracted from animals. Types of oil that can be used in the process of making soap are soybean oil, coconut oil, palm oil, castor oil, corn oil, and other oils. The following is a tabulation of the types of vegetable oils and fatty acids that are dominant in them. Oil becomes the raw material in the Recipe / Formulation of Transparent Soap Making.

Table of the dominant fatty acid content in some types of oil
No. Oil Type Dominant Fatty Acids Amount
1. Coconut Oil Lauric Acid 44 - 53 %
2. Palm Oil Palmitic Acid 40 - 46 %
Oleic Acid 39 - 45 %
3. Castor Oil Risinoleic Acid 86 %
4. Corn Oil Linoleic Acid 56.3 %
Oleic Acid 30.1 %
5. Soybean Oil Linoleic Acid 15 - 64 %
Oleic Acid 11 - 60 %
You can distinguish fat and oil physically. At room temperature, the fat will be in the form of solid and liquid oil.

  • Difference between Vegetable and Animal Fats

The basic difference between vegetable fat and animal fat is:
- Animal fats contain cholesterol, while vegetable fats contain phytosterol.
- Saturated fat content in animal fat is smaller than vegetable fat.

  • Oil color

Dyestuffs in oil and fat are divided into two: natural colors and colors due to oxidation or degradation of the chemical components contained in oil. Natural dyes are naturally found in the ingredients and are extracted along with oil in the extraction process, such as alpha and beta carotene, xanthofil and anthocyanin. These dyes cause yellow, brownish yellow, greenish and reddish. The color due to oxidation and degradation of the chemical components contained in oil include: dark color caused by oxidation of tocopherol (vitamin E).

  • Odor (odor and flavor) Oil

Fishy smell in oil or fat is caused by the interaction of trimethyl amine oxide with double bonds of unsaturated oil. Trimethyl amine is derived from the breakdown of the C-N bond from cholin in the lecithin molecule and this C-N bond is broken down by an oxidizing agent such as a peroxide group in fat, thus producing trimethyl-amine.

Soap Making Cold Process

Odor and flavor in oil are generally caused by non-oil components, for example the typical smell of palm oil is caused by beta-ionone, while the typical smell of coconut oil is caused by nonyl methylketon (Ketaren, 1986). Besides naturally occurring odor and flavor also occur due to the formation of short-chain fatty acids as a result of decomposition of oil or fat damage.

  • Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH)

Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) is often referred to as caustic soda or soda which is an alkaline compound that is alkaline and can neutralize acids. NaOH is white crystalline with moisture-absorbing properties. Sodium hydroxide reacts with oil to form soap called saponification. This soda ingredient is the main ingredient in the Recipe / Formulation of Transparent Soap Making.

  • Stearic Acid

Stearic acid is a long chain (C18) monocarboxylic which is saturated because it has no double bond between its carbon atoms. Stearic acid can be liquid or solid. In the process of making soap, stearic acid serves to harden and stabilize the foam.

  • Ethanol

Ethanol (ethyl alcohol) is liquid, clear and colorless, is an organic compound with the chemical formula C2H5OH. Ethanol in the soap making process is used as a solvent because of its solubility in water and fat.

  • Glycerin

Glycerin is a by-product of hydrolysis reactions between vegetable oils and water to produce fatty acids. Glycerin is a humectant that can function as a moisturizer on the skin. In moderate atmospheric conditions or in conditions of high humidity, glycerin can moisturize the skin and be easily rinsed. Glycerin is clear liquid, odorless, and has a sweet taste.

  • Coco Dietanolamida (Coco-DEA)

Coco-DEA is a dietanolamide made from coconut oil. In cosmetic preparation formulas, DEA functions as a surfactant and foam stabilizer. Surfactant is a surface tension reducing active compound that is useful for uniting the oil phase with the water phase.

  • Sodium Chloride (NaCl)

Sodium chloride (salt) is a white crystalline, colorless and low hygroscopic material. The addition of NaCl is not only for soap foaming, but also to increase the electrolyte concentration to match the decrease in alkaline amount at the end of the reaction so that the ingredients of the soap maker remain balanced during the heating process. Salt is also known as an ingredient that suppresses the growth of microorganisms in the Recipe / Formulation of Transparent Soap Making.

  • Sugar

White crystalline sugar. In the process of making transparent soap, sugar works to help form transparency in soap. Adding sugar can help the development of crystals in soap.

  • Citric Acid

Citric acid has the form of white crystals. Serves as a chelating agent, which binds to oxidizing metal ions, so as to prevent oxidation of the oil due to heating. Citric acid can also be used as a preservative and pH regulator.

  • Dye

Dyes are added to the soap making process to produce colorful soap products. The coloring material used is coloring material for grade cosmetics. Coloring is an additional ingredient in the Recipe / Formulation of Transparent Soap Making.

Soap Making Cold Process
Steel Making Process - You Need to Know

 -   Soap Making Cold Process

All the soap formulas below are formulated using a basic soap formula that is chipsoap transparent soap. Here are the transparent soap formulas taken from this site.

  =    Making process transparent soap with heat process
The Formulation of Making Transparent Soap
Using Heat Method Uses Alcoholic Soap Chips
Coconut oil 100 gr
Olive oil 100 gr
Caster oil 100 gr
Steric acid 100 gr
Aquades (Distilled water) 133 gr
Caustic soda 63 gr
BHT (Butylated hydroxy toluene) 0.5 gr
Syrup 300 gr
Glycerin 30 gr
Salt 2 gr
Borax 2 gr
EDTA (Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) 0.5 gr
T.E.A (trietanolamin) 50 gr
Alcohol (96%) 100 gr
The Formulation of Making Transparent Soap
Using Heat Method Uses Non - Alcoholic Soap Chips
Coconut oil 200 gr
Palm oil 100 gr
Steric acid 100 gr
Aquades (Distilled water) 133 gr
Caustic soda 65 gr
BHT (Butylated hydroxy toluene) 0.5 gr
Syrup 350 gr
Propylyn glycol 50 gr
Glycerin 30 gr
Salt 2 gr
Borax 2 gr
EDTA (Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) 0.5 gr
T.E.A (trietanolamin) 50 gr

  =    Making process transparent soap with cold methods
Making Transparent Soap
with a Cold Process
All Coconut Soap :
Coconut oil 200 gr
Caustic soda 34 gr
Aquades (Distilled water) 66 gr
Caustic soda 65 gr
Salt 2 gr
All Palm Soap :
Palm oil 200 gr
Caustic soda 30 gr
Aquades (Distilled water) 60 gr
Mixed Palm - Coconut Soap
Coconut oil 100 gr
Palm oil 100 gr
Caustic soda 32 gr
Aquades (Distilled water) 66 gr
You can make transparent soap using the two soap making processes above, the hot process and the cold process. You can add other compounds to enrich or beautify your soap by adding dyes, active agents (moisturizers, conditioners, emollients, whitening, anti-septic, chelating agents), and perfumes.

Monday, August 13, 2018

Paper Making Process - Starting from Wood to Book

Paper Making Process

Paper making process - Paper is a common object that we often encounter everyday, at school, at home, on the road as possible, in printing, the paper has been used a lot from the road first, but there are still many people who still do not understand the paper making itself, even though they have been using it for years and even decades.

What is the meaning of paper?

Paper is a material object in the form of thin or thick sheets. Materials that are often used in the process of making paper generally are wood fibers mixed with chemicals as fillers and reinforcement paper.

" Initially the wood that is often used in the process of paper making in Indonesia is generally fragile short fibrous wood like Akasia so it is easy to process and mixed with long fibrous wood for example pine trees to strengthen paper. This mixing process is carried out using a paper making machine (paper machine)."

Paper Making Process
But because of the increasing demand for paper, and the development of pulp processing technology that is progressing now almost all tree species can be used for paper-making materials. For example, trees can be made such as bamboo, papyrus, straw, sugar cane, flax and many more. For more details about paper-making material, it will be explained below.

Why is paper used as a medium for writing?

Paper has the ability to absorb liquids such as ink, water, and coloring agents from stationery so that they can be used as writing, drawing and printing media. Paper is very suitable for writing or drawing using stationery such as pens, markers and other stationery pencils because of its fast drying characteristics.

Paper is generally brightly colored so that it can display objects well and to sharpen the visuals made on the surface of the paper, so that it can be viewed or read.

Paper Making Process

What is the difference between paper and books?

Paper is part of the book, to mention the number of papers usually used the term sheet, so that we often use the term sheet of paper (which means one sheet of paper). While the Book is a collection of papers bound into one and given a cover to make it stronger and not easily separated / separated.

Paper Making Process

What are the uses of paper?

Very much the benefits of paper, paper is an object that really helps us in everyday life, such as to print school books, make notebooks, for walls, for packaging and many other uses.

Paper Making Process

What materials can be used to make paper?

Paper Making Process - Paper-making raw materials that are often used include:
  • Wood

Generally paper is made from wood raw material. The wood used is wood which has a lot of fiber and some have little water content.
  • Bamboo

Asian nations, especially China, Korea and Japan, make paper from bamboo trees. Bamboo is a raw material that is easily available to them because the climate and the area are a good support for bamboo plants. Bamboo is the material of choice because in addition to being easily obtained it is also cheaper than the price.
  • Papyrus

Papyrus trees are trees that grow and can be used by the Egyptians as raw material for making paper. This Egyptian nation which according to historical records became the pioneer of paper making in the world.
  • Animal Skin

The skin is also used by some circles for raw materials in making paper. What is commonly used is the type of sheepskin because the material is also rather easy to obtain even though not as much as from wood or bamboo raw materials.

Paper Making Process

What is the paper making process?

Even though we all agree that almost every day we use paper and cannot prison from paper, but do you know how to make paper? Well for those who don't know, here I will share information from several sources about the Paper Making Process.

Pulp / pulp

Wood is taken from the production forest then cut into pieces or better known as logs. Logs are stored in a shelter a few months before processing with the aim to soften the log.
Setala is removed from the skin with a bark paring machine or often known as De-Barker.

Wood cut - cut into small sizes (chips) with a chipping machine. In this process the chip that matches the size is taken and the inappropriate one is reprocessed.

The chip is cooked in a digester to separate wood fibers (ingredients used to make paper) with lignin. This cooking process has two types, namely Chemical Pulping Process and Mechanical Pulping Process. The results of this digester are called pulp. This pulp is processed into paper on a paper machine.
Paper Making Process

Paper Making Process

The pulp is processed in the Stock Preparation section. This section serves to gather raw materials such as: adding dye to paper, adding retention agents, adding fillers (to fill pores between wood fibers), etc. The material that comes out of this part is called stock (a mixture of pulp, chemicals and water).

Paper Making Process
  1. From stock preparation into cleaning with a tool called Cleaner.
  2. From the cleaner stock goes to the headbox (heater) which functions to form a sheet of paper (forming a formation) above the Fourdinier Table.
  3. Its function is to remove water in the stock (dewatering). The results that come out are called web (wet paper). The solid content is around 20%.
  4. Then enter the Press Part function to remove water from the web so that the solid content reaches 50%. The way this press machine works is that the paper enters between two rotating rollers. One roll of the top is put under pressure so the water comes out of the web.
  5. The last one to Dryer was to dry the web so that the water content reached 6%.

Paper Making Process

Finishing Stage

Finally, dry paper is wrapped around a large roll (paper roll), where it will be processed further depending on its final use. The paper is flattened and compacted further by passing metal rollers called calenders.

Wood is taken from the production forest and cut into pieces or better known as logging.
The log is stored in a shelter a few months before it is processed with the aim of softening the log and keeping the raw material. The wood is removed from the skin with a machine or known as De-Barker. A suitable size chip is taken and an inappropriate one is reprocessed. The chip is cooked in a digester to separate wood fiber (the material used to make paper) with lignin.
This cooking process has two types, namely Chemical Pulping process and Mechanical pulping process. The results of this digester are called pulp. This pulp is processed into paper on a paper machine.

Paper Making Process

Now that's an overview of the paper-making process, hopefully it can provide insight for you, thank you for visiting and see you later.

Steel Making Process - You Need to Know

Steel Making Process

Steel making process - Talk about steel must always be identical with strength. Like werkudara which is very strong because it has bones as strong as steel in the story of the mahabarata puppet. In fact, steel is a metal that is very strong and is very useful for modern humans.

Steel is a hard metal made from iron ore and scrap, with carbon as the main hardener. The method for steelmaking has grown significantly since industrial production began in the late 19th century.

Steel making at this time is still based on methods such as the Bessemer process, namely how the most efficient steel-making process uses oxygen to regulate the carbon content in iron so that iron becomes harder and becomes true steel.
Paper Making Process - Starting from Wood to Book

  I    Steel Making Process You Need to Know

Steel Making Process

  +    History of Steel Discovery

Steel Making Process - Steel has been processed and used thousands of years ago, before the discovery of steel was originally in the form of iron ore which was not as strong as steel because of the chemical constituents that caused carbon that was not so strong to bind the elements of iron atoms to the metal. Around 3000 BC at the time of ancient Egypt there were already techniques for metal smelting, even at the previous hour there had been the manufacture of iron jewelry.

In Greek times around 1000 BC there had been a development of iron hardening processes with heat treatment techniques for the manufacture of weapons such as spears and swords.

Steelmaking has existed for thousands of years, but has not been officially introduced and commercialized until the 19th century. In ancient times like ancient times, the craft of the steelmaking process was the process of the container in the heating kitchen.

Steel Making Process

During the history of steel human civilization, it was only made in small quantities. But after finding a better steel processing formula, namely the discovery of the Bessemer process in the 19th century and subsequent technological developments in injection and process control technology.

After the success of steelmaking with the new Bessemer process, it began in the late 1850s, followed by an open fireplace. In the 1850s to 1860s, the main method of processing steel raw materials with the Bessemer process and the Siemens-Martin process changed to be used for steelmaking for heavy industries.

Mass steel production has played an important role in the world economy and a key indicator of development development. Steel material is strong and relatively easier to form to be a versatile material when compared to iron.

Steel Making Process

  +    Steel Making Process

Steel Making Process - In the process of making steel, the content of compounds such as silicon, nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorus and excess carbon is removed from the raw iron so that the iron content becomes more pure and iron atoms are increasingly tightly bound. Combined elements such as nickel, chromium, manganese and vanadium are added to the processing to produce different grades of steel produced.

Carbon in iron works as a hardening element, preventing iron atoms from being regularly bonded. The amount of carbon and the distribution of a mixture of raw materials can control the quality of steel. Steel with an increase in the amount of carbon can harden and strengthen iron, but it can also make it more fragile. Understanding steel scientifically, steel is an iron-carbon mixture with carbon content of up to 5.1 percent, but an alloy with a carbon content higher than this is known as iron.

Many aspects that are considered for steel manufacturing such as limiting dissolved gases such as nitrogen and oxygen and retained waste (called "inclusion") in steelmaking are also important to ensure the quality of steel products.

Steel Making Process

  +    Steel Products Based on Composition

Based on the composition of steel obtained, several types of steel classifications such as carbon steel and alloy steel are obtained. Both types of steel are also many classification based on the manufacturing process and the quality produced.

The finished form of steel products from carbon materials such as steel pipes for the mining industry, foundations and steel frames for towers and high-rise buildings. Whereas finished products from alloy steel such as steel bullets, car components such as brake discs, car wheels and gear.

Steel is produced in steel processing kitchens with the main ingredients of crude iron in the form of solid or liquid, scrap metal and some metal alloys. Here are some of the processes used in making steel, in general, the process is as follows:

Steel Making Process

     Converter Process

Converter is one of the containers to process iron into steel ready to be produced. Made from steel plates with welded joints or rivets. On the inside of the converter made of fire-resistant stone, the fire-resistant stone can be acidic or alkaline depending on the nature of the steel to be processed.

At the bottom of the converter there are air holes (tuyer) as blow airways called water blasts. There is also a buffer on the converter that is equipped with a trunnion to adjust the horizontal or vertical position of the converter.

 =  Work system
  • The raw material is heated with coke (such as carbon composition coal) to ± 1500 degrees C.
  • Convertor tilts to include steel raw material approximately 1/8 of the converter volume.
  • After the default steel is entered, the = returnor is re-established.
  • Processing air pressure ranges from 1.5 to 2 atm in exhaling from the compressor.
  • Then after 20-25 minutes, the converter is turned back (overturned) to review the results.

 =  Bassemer Process (Acid)

Processing with bassemer process is that the inner layer used is refractory stone containing acidic acid or axid acid (SiO2), the material treated with gray iron is liquid, CaO is not added because it can react with SiO2, SiO2 + CaO CaSiO3.

 =  Thomas process (base)

The Thomas process in the inner wall layer is made of refractory stone or dolomite [calcium carbonate and magnesium (CaCO3 + MgCO3)]. The raw material treated is white coarse iron containing P between 1.7 - 2%, Mn 1-2% and Si 0.6-0.8%. After the Mn and Si elements are burned, P forms phosphorus oxide (P2O5) to remove liquid iron added by lime (CaO), 3 CaO + P2O5 Ca3 (PO4) 2 (liquid slag).

Steel Making Process

  2    Siemens Martin Process

The martin siemens process is processed in a steel melting kitchen that can reach high temperatures. The process of processing steel martin siemens is made by two people named Siemen and Martin, so the kitchen is also called the Martin cement kitchen. The kitchen for the martens siemens process has a work stove equipped with air spaces.

This processing furnace has a capacity of 30-50 tons, raw materials that are processed in addition to coarse iron can also be included in scrap metal or scrap metal. If the iron that is inserted contains phosphorus, the kitchen coating material is alkaline. Conversely, if the iron does not contain phosphorus, the inner layer material in the kitchen is acidic.

 =  The system works

The work system with the martens siemens process uses a regenerator system with temperatures reaching 3000 degrees C. The function of the regenerator is:
  • Heating gas and air to increase the temperature of the kitchen.
  • It functions as a basic / kitchen base.
  • Saving space usage in the kitchen.
Raw materials that can be used both gray and white iron. Gray iron inside walls are coated with silica (SiO2) while white iron is coated with dolomite stone (40% MgCO3 + 60% CaCO3).

Steel Making Process

  3    Basic Oxygen Furnace (BOF) Process

The steel processing process with the Basic Oxygen Furnace (BOF) process is a modification of the Bessemer process. In the Bessemer process using hot water vapor is blown on the molten iron to burn the remaining impurities. While the BOF process uses pure oxygen instead of water vapor.

The BOF vessel kitchen is usually 5 m in diameter and is capable of processing 35 - 200 tons in one heating. Steel smelting using the BOF also includes the most recent process in the steel making industry. Construction furnaces are relatively simple, on the outside are made of steel plates while the inner walls are made of firebrick.

Steel Making Process

 =  The system works

The BOF process uses molten iron (65 - 85%) produced by high furnaces as the main base material mixed with scrap iron (steel scrap) as much as (15 - 35%), limestone and oxygen gas with a purity of 99.5%.

Oxygen will bind the carbon found in coarse iron gradually down until it reaches the level of steel that is made. When the oxidation process takes place there is a very high heat so that it can raise the temperature of the molten metal to above 165 degrees C.

During oxidation, added limestone is inserted into the furnace. The limestone will melt then mix with impurity materials (including oxidized materials) so that it forms a floating slag on molten steel.

When the oxidation process is complete, the oxygen flow is stopped and the oxygen flow pipe is removed from the furnace. The BOF furnace is then tilted, the molten steel sample collection is carried out by chemical composition analysis to assess the steel content.

If the chemical composition of the steel element has been achieved then tapping is carried out. The pouring is carried out when the temperature of the molten steel is around 165 degrees C. The pouring method is carried out by tilting slowly the processing furnace so that the steel liquid is poured into the ladle (the steel casting that has not been printed).

Inside the ladle, skimming is then done to clean the slag from the surface of the molten steel. After the slag is cleared, the metal treatment process is carried out.

 =  BOF benefits:
  • BOF process uses pure O2 without Nitrogen.
  • The process runs faster and effectively, only about 50 minutes.
  • When the kitchen / furnace does not need to be tuyer at the bottom.
  • Filtering unused substances such as phosphorus and sulfur can be separated first from carbon.
  • Operating costs with the BOF process are relatively cheaper with other processes. (using O2, the process is faster).

Steel Making Process

  4    Electric Kitchen Process

The process of processing steel using an electric kitchen is a method of controlling the melting temperature and minimizing the elements of the mixture in the steel carried out during the refining process. At the beginning of the refining of steel used kitchen stoves or converters.

Then there is another refining process that is carried out in the electric kitchen so that the steel obtained becomes more qualified. The electric kitchen consists of two types, namely the electric arc kitchen and the high frequency induction kitchen.

 =  Electric arc arc kitchen

Steel Making Process - In the flame arc lisrik kitchen has a capacity of 25-100 tons, equipped with three carbon electrodes mounted on the top / roof of the kitchen. Carbon electrodes can be adjusted and can automatically produce a flame arc so that it can directly heat and melt the metal.

In this modern kitchen it is able to process metals with acid or base processes. The inside of the kitchen is still layered with refractory stones. The material that is put into the kitchen is coarse iron and also hard metal (steel or iron) whose composition is first known.

Steel Making Process

If alkaline processes are carried out in steel processing, oxidation of slag from lime will be added to reduce mixed elements. Furthermore, separation of slag (containing lime) from liquid steel was obtained. To prevent oxidation added another mixed metal to the steel metal that has been treated before being removed from the furnace.

 =  High frequency induction kitchen

Steel Making Process - This electric kitchen by means of high frequency induction consists of a wire coil wrapped around a fire-resistant stone cup. Power flowed from electricity will generate electrical currents that circulate in the metal, causing melting.

Steel Making Process

After the metal raw material melts then the role of the electric current is to make the stirring motion rotate. The content capacity of this type of kitchen is 350 kg - 6 tons, in general this kitchen is used to produce special alloy steel.

 =  Advantages with Electric Bows:
  • Easy to reach high temperatures in a short time
  • Temperature can be set
  • More efficient in processing
  • Iron liquid is protected from dirt and environmental influences so that steel quality is better
  • Disadvantages due to evaporation are very small

Steel Making Process

  5    Kupola Kitchen Process (Cupola Furnace)

Kitchen Cupola (Cupola Funace) is used for smelting gray iron and scrap metal into steel or cast iron, generally used to produce daily smelting based on the capacity of the factory (foundry). Cupola (domes) are usually operated in pairs, so maintenance can be arranged in one dome and the other can still operate, and so on alternately.

 =  The system works
  • Firstly heated on the dome to be free of liquid vapor.
  • Fuel in the form of wood charcoal and coke is lit for ± 15 hours.
  • Cokas and air are exhaled at low speed with blowers.
  • After coke is burnt out then put in pieces of steel and gauze iron.
  • After a few minutes 15 minutes the molten steel is removed from the drain hole.

To form slag and reduce levels of pospor and sulfur, then added limestone (CaCO3) and will decompose again with a chemical reaction and finally produce CO gas released through the chimney, the heat can be used for generating other machines.

The last process when in the kitchen after cleaning the slag above the liquid from the next kitchen is to remove the molten steel which is held by the pan to be brought to the iron or steel pouring place.

Steel Making Process

  +    Application of Steel in Life

The benefits of steelmaking have played an important role in the development of a modern technology society. The steel products that we meet a lot like those used for large building frames and bridge frames. The main raw material is made of steel because of its superiority and durability.

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